
Life made squiggly simple again

The simplest things are always the best. As a busy working parent, life isn’t often simple, or easy. But always best when it is.
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It’s so easy to forget - the simplest things are always the best. As a busy working parent, life isn’t often simple, or easy. But always best when it is.

So why is remembering that so difficult?  

Remembering, for me, is difficult. There’s always an inexhaustible supply of what must be remembered. Work deadlines to meet. Bills to pay. Meals to plan. And school - school has brought another job in itself. On top of my paid one. On top of the job of being a mum.

It’s all very complicated. Not so much plates in the air, as actual dishwashers, filled with dinner services, kept spinning overhead. And yet a moment of simple happiness can have them gently floating to the ground, humming contentedly, like good dishwashers do.

I had one of these moments of simple happiness today. My children reminded me, as they so often do, of the simple happiness in a bowl of spaghetti. Met with bestial howls of joy, and attacked with feral gusto. Saucy chins, squiggles and giggles. The simple happiness of watching your kids enjoy their food. A relief from the complexity of everything I have to remember.

I’m all for letting go of the complicated stuff we have to remember. In favour of the squiggly joy of simplicity. The lightness we feel when we’re not stuffed full of the stuff we need to know, do and retain. Anything that helps me with that, is really helping. Actually helping me have a better life.

Isn’t that what technology is supposed to be for? But so often it’s the manufacturer of the inexhaustible supply of stuff to remember to do?

So I welcome an app that actually helps  - by helping me have to remember less. One that is founded and built on the idea that I no longer have to remember the - to me - silly stuff in life: passwords. I’ll pass on those thanks. To make more room for the simply happy stuff of life. That’s definitely worth remembering.

forghettible thoughts by Beatrix

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