
How to Avoid Data Breaches: The Aftermath of the Ticketmaster and Santander Hacks

With Ticketmaster being hacked and having 560 million customer’s details stolen, and Santander having data stolen from staff and customers this week, the importance of data security has never been more pronounced.
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With Ticketmaster being hacked and having 560 million customer’s details stolen, and Santander having data stolen from staff and customers this week, data security has never been more important. These data breaches highlight the need for secure data protection methods, so we thought we would share how to avoid data breaches with forghetti and also give you a little treat.

Steps to Avoid Data Breaches

1. Download forghetti
With forghetti this is easy! Our solution to password management is unlike any other vault based platform. We are focused on security and all of the forghetti systems are secured, encrypted and controlled by industry leading technologies.

When a password is set up within the forghetti application (we call them forghettibles), several unique values are immediately attributed to that forghettible. This will include unique IDs, creation dates and times, modification dates and times as well as other numeric values which are only relevant to that one individual forghettible.
The forghetti platform allows you to draw a doodle which is then encrypted and combined with the other unique values to then generate (or calculate) the forghettible that you need for that particular service.

When securely logged into your account you are able to bring together all the unique variables alongside your doodle to retrieve your forghettible. Your doodle is never stored by forghetti, and therefore without your input, the encrypted information that is held on the forghetti systems is rendered useless.

Simply speaking, only you and those you authorise through our secure group sharing technology can ever generate any of your forghettibles.

A Little Treat for You

If you were affected by these data breaches, or are being proactive and want to protect yourself against anything like this, then downloading forghetti is a great start! We would like to give you a little treat and offer you 6 months free of forghetti premium using the codes ‘ticketmaster’ or ‘santander’ (take your pick..). Get password peace of mind with forghetti.

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