
Change your passwords.

Change your passwords regularly. If you receive strange emails, unrequested password change emails or any other suspicious activity, time is of the essence - change your passwords. If you read about any breaches to services you use, change your passwords. Changing them regularly can be double-edged. Many people really do try their best, and in doing so they may come up with increasingly weak passwords due to lack of patience and creativity. If you do have the healthy habit of changing passwords regularly, but your password goes from "zoj$j935J" to "12345" perhaps it's best to consider using a password manager that can generate them for you. You can set a monthly reminder in your calendar to change your passwords to your most important accounts.
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5. Change your passwords regularly

If you receive strange emails, unrequested password change emails or any other suspicious activity, time is of the essence - change your passwords. If you read about any breaches to services you use, change your passwords.

Changing them regularly can be double-edged. Many people really do try their best, and in doing so they may come up with increasingly weak passwords due to lack of patience and creativity. If you do have the healthy habit of changing passwords regularly, but your password goes from “zoj$j935J” to “12345” perhaps it’s best to consider using a password manager that can generate them for you. You can set a monthly reminder in your calendar to change your passwords to your most important accounts.

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