
Why are unique passwords important?

Have a unique password for every account. If there is only one small step you would take, let it be this number one rule. No matter how healthy your cybersecurity conduct is, no one can protect you from having your credentials leaked by a third party. It's difficult for someone to hack you directly if you have a strong password, but if the server storing your password is breached, your very strong password is now exposed to the ill-intentioned. Having the same password across multiple accounts means that all the accounts are now compromised. Don't wait on it. Try to at least have a unique password for your most important accounts and go from there. It's hard, we know - that's probably why password managers were invented.
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2. Have a unique password for every account

If there is only one small step you would take, let it be this number one rule. No matter how healthy your cybersecurity conduct is, no one can protect you from having your credentials leaked by a third party. It’s difficult for someone to hack you directly if you have a strong password, but if the server storing your password is breached, your very strong password is now exposed to the ill-intentioned. Having the same password across multiple accounts means that all the accounts are now compromised.

Don’t wait on it. Try to at least have a unique password for your most important accounts and go from there. It’s hard, we know - that’s probably why password managers were invented.

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